Year 14 - 37 AD - 6th century AD

Northwest necropolis and north via of Felicitas Iulia Olisipo (Praça da Figueira)

Part of the major access road into the city, an integral part of the
heading to Santarém (from where branched roads to Porto and Braga, Évora and Merida). This segment was built during the principality of Tiberius (14-37 AD), the second Roman emperor.
During the reign of Emperor Claudius (41-54 AD), a secondary, perpendicular road was built. Also, the first tombs appeared - this area was thereafter used as a
for more than 200 years, at least until the late 3rd century. Nine buildings, compounds and other funerary monuments were discovered, on both sides of the secondary cobbled road and very close to the main
One hundred years later, near the early 4th century, stones from the
began to be removed, although people continued being buried in the area.
Finally, approaching the 5th century, this area became rural. The remaining funerary buildings were adapted by farmers and their agricultural practices. The main road was still renovated in the early 5th century and continued to harbour substantial movement until the mid-6th century.
Some of the archaeological evidence found in Praça da Figueira are exhibited in the Lisbon Museum - Pimenta Palace.
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Epitaph for Creusa

Epitaph for Titus Callaeus Salvianus

Epitaph for Titus Callaeus Niger

Epitaph for Italia

Epitaph for Iulia Cufrenisa

Epitaph for Passeria Romula

Epitaph for Ursia Fundana, Ursius Arrenus and Ursius Niceros

Epitaph for Caius Ursius Clemens

Epitaph for Gaius Terentius Saturninus


Epigraphs, City | Urbs, Rural property | Villa / Casal, Road, Necropolis

Archeological interventions

1961-1962; 1962; 1999-2001

Suggested reading

Moita, I. (1968) - Achados de época romana no sub-solo de Lisboa. Revista Municipal. Lisboa. 116-117, pp. 33-71.

Silva, R. B. (2000) - As sepulturas da Calçada do Garcia e o urbanismo de Olisipo. In Actas do 3º Encontro Nacional de Arqueologia Urbana. Almada. 20 a 23 de Fevereiro de 1997 (Monografias Arqueologia). Almada: Câmara Municipal de Almada, pp. 193-205.

Silva, R. B. (2011) - Olisipo. In Remollá, J. A.; Acero, J., eds. - El tratamiento de los Resíduos Sólidos en las Ciudades de la Hispania Romana. Omenage a X. Dupré i Raventós Científicas (Anexos del Archivo Español de Arqueología; LX). Mérida: Instituto de Arqueología, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones, pp. 201-213.

Silva, R. B. (2012a) - Arqueologia Viária Romana em Lisboa: a I.A.U. da Praça da Figueira. Cira-Arqueologia. Actas da Mesa Redonda «de Olisipo a Scallabis» - a rede viária romana no Vale do Tejo, Vila Franca de Xira, 2010). Vila Franca de Xira: Museu Municipal. 1, pp. 98-116.

Silva, R. B. (2012b) - As "marcas de oleiro" na terra sigillata e a circulação dos vasos de Península Ibérica. Dissertação de doutoramento em História, especialidade de Arqueologia. Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


Praça da Figueira, Lisboa

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