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Late 1st century AD / first decades of the 2nd century - 6th century AD

Baths of the Cassii 

One of the largest
, built between the late 1st century AD and the first decades of the 2nd century AD. There were hot, cold and tepid
, a furnace, a
, a corridor and two cloacae, in addition to -it is thought- a dressing room. A large room in the building's northwest corner was later used as a home, in the late 5th century to mid-6th century.
were identified for the first time in 1771, during the city's Pombaline reconstruction. At the time, an inscription was discovered, dated to the year 336 AD (when the building would have been submitted to reformulation work), that revealed the name of the public
: Thermae Cassiorum, or
of the Cassii - one of the city's most notable families. Archaeological excavations held between 1991 and 1998, and again in 2013, revealed parts of the complex unknown until then.
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Proposal for the reconstitution of the frigidarium (room for cold-water baths) discovered in 1771-1772. © Rodrigo Banha da Silva
Proposal for the reconstitution of the frigidarium (room for cold-water baths) discovered in 1771-1772, including the painted inscription. © Rodrigo Banha da Silva
View of Roman remains with 18th century well. © CML | DMC | DPC | CAL | Rodrigo Banha da Silva
View of furnace compartment’s wall. © CML | DMC | DPC | CAL | Rodrigo Banha da Silva
Summary layout of archaeological remains identified in 1991-1998. © CML | DMC | DPC | CAL | Rodrigo Banha da Silva
Remains of the Thermae Cassiorum (known and estimated) integrated in the present-day urban fabric. © Rodrigo Banha da Silva
Fragment of decorated terra sigillata ceramic cup, imported from south Gaul (1st century AD). © CML | DMC | DPC | CAL | Rodrigo Banha da Silva


Inscription marking the reconstruction of the Thermae Cassiorum

Honorific pedestal to Lucius Cornelius Bocchus


Baths, Epigraphs, City | Urbs, Tank

Archeological interventions

1771; 1991-1998; 2013-2014

Suggested reading

Fernandes, L. (2009) - Capitel das Thermae Cassiorum de Olisipo (Rua das Pedras Negras, Lisboa). Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia. 12: 2. Lisboa, pp. 191-207.

Gomes, S. M.; Ponce, M.; Filipe, V. (2017) - Intervenção Arqueológica no âmbito do Projecto de Arquitectura "Apartamentos Pedras Negras". I Encontro de Arqueologia de Lisboa. Lisboa: Centro de Arqueologia de Lisboa-CML, pp. 349-365.

Silva, R. B. (2012) - As "marcas de oleiro" na terra sigillata e a circulação dos vasos de Península Ibérica. Tese de doutoramento em História, especialidade de Arqueologia. Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas: Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


Rua das Pedras Negras, 26, Lisboa

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