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Honorific pedestal to Lucius Cornelius Bocchus

Honorific pedestal, found during reuse as building material for the Thermae Cassiorum, remembering the public tribute, by
decree (members of the municipal senate) to Lucius Cornelius Bocchus, son of Lucius, member of the
equestrian order
, member of the Galeria tribe, born in Salacia (Alcácer do Sal). The text engraved in the monument highlights the political curriculum of the honoured, referring the offices he occupied until the date of the ceremony:
(priest of free origin, charged with rituals of the official Roman religion) of the province of
; five times
prefect of the artisans
(the official responsible, in a military context, for the technicians who integrated the legions);
military tribune
(Roman army officer, with rank above centurion and below legate, the highest rank) of Augustus' eighth legion. In addition to this pedestal, seven other epigraphic monuments that refer Cornelii Bochii are known in Alcácer do Sal, Tróia and Mérida, all dated to roughly the same period. The Roman era literature also mentions an author with the same names.
Honorific pedestal of Lucius Cornelius Bocchus. © CML | DMC | DPC | CAL | Guilherme Cardoso 2017

Type of inscription







L(ucio) CORNELIO/ L(ucii) F(ilio) GAL(eria tribu) BOCCHO/ SALACIENSI/FLAMINI PROVIN/ CIAE LVSITANIA[E]/ PRAEF(ecto) FABRVM V (quinquies)/ TRIB(uno) MILIT(um) LEG(ionis) VIII (octavae)/AVG(ustae)/ D(ecreto) D(ecurionum)


To Lucius Cornelius Bocchus, son of Lucius, member of the Galeria tribe, born in Salacia, flamen of the province of Lusitania, five times prefect of the artisans, military tribune of Augustus' eighth legion. By decree of the decurions.

Present location

Archaeology Centre of Lisbon (CAL)

Suggested reading

Cardoso, J. L.; Almagro-Gorbea, M., eds. (2011) - Lucius Cornelius Bocchus. Escritor lusitano da Idade de Prata da Literatura Latina. Colóquio Internacional de Tróia 6-8 de Outubro de 2010 (Archaeologia Hispanica 1 / Biblioteca Archaeologica Hispana; 37). Lisboa - Madrid: Academia Portuguesa da História - Real Academia de la Historia.

Diogo, A. M.; Trindade, L. (1999) - Homenagem a L. Cornelius Bocchus, encontrada nas Termas dos Cássios (Lisboa). Ficheiro Epigráfico (suplemento da revista Conimbriga). Coimbra: Instituto de Arqueologia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra. 60, n.º 275.

Fernandes, L. S. (2002) - Cornelius Bocchus, auctor Lusitanus e notável de Salácia? In Nascimento, A. A., coord. - De Augusto a Adriano. Actas do Colóquio de Literatura Latina (Lisboa, 29-30 de Novembro 2002). Lisboa: Euphrosyne e Centro de Estudos Clássicos da Universidade de Lisboa, pp. 155-172.

Gonzalez Herrero, M. (2002) - Contribución al estúdio prosopográfico de los equites lusitanorromanos: el cursus honorum protagonizado por el tribuno Lucius Cornelius Lucii filius Bocchus. Aquila Legionis, cuadernos de estúdios sobre el exérjito romano. Madrid - Salamanca: Signifer Libros. 2, pp. 33-57.

Gonzalez Herrero, M. (2006) - Los caballeros procedentes de la lusitania Romana. Estudio prosopográfico (Monografias y Estudios de Antiguedad Griega y Romana; 19). Madrid: Signifer Libros, pp. 38-45.

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