Epigraphic monument to Firmus, slave of Augustus

This epigraphic monument is incomplete because it was cut on the top, one of the sides and the base, to serve as construction material in the São Jorge Castle, where it was found during restoration work. Originally, it may have been a pedestal or altar. What remains of the engraved text is enough to distinguish it among the Roman epigraphy in the present-day Portuguese territory, as it refers a verna belonging to one of the Augustus (one of the emperors), that is a public slave from the imperial era (when State property and the emperors' private property began to meld), who is also a
(foreman, administrator, collector) of
vicesima hereditatium
, a 5% tax on the twentieth part of inheritances, charged from the 6 BC until the end of the 3rd century AD from all the citizens of the empire. This man, named Firmus, is an example of a slave who was also a notable person.

Type of inscription







(...)/ NEMETE[VS?]/ FIRMVS AV[GG(ustorum)]/ VER(na) VIL(ilicus) XX(vicesima) HERE[D(itatium) L vel E?] S(uo?) F(ecit?)


Nemeteus Firmus, slave of the Augusti, vilicus (foreman) of the vicesima hereditatium (made at his expense?).

Present location

Museum of Lisbon | Pimenta Palace

Discovery location

São Jorge Castle, Lisboa

Suggested reading

Curchin, L. A. (2017) - Slaves in Lusitania: identity, demography and local relations. Conimbriga. Coimbra: Instituto de Arqueologia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra. LXI, pp. 75-108.

Encarnação, J. (1975) - Divindades indígenas sob o domínio romano em Portugal. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, pp. 247-246.

Silva, A. V. (1944) - Epigrafia de Olisipo (subsídios para a história da Lisboa romana). Lisboa: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, pp. 104 (n.º 11).

Useful links

Identification code​
