1st century BC - 3rd century AD

Roman villa of Outeiro de Polima

Abundant Roman-era archaeological materials that indicate existence of
on the site. The first remains (construction and domestic ceramics, as well as a manual mill) were observed on the surface, in 1913. Prospections recovered other materials, including a group of loom weights, as well as ceramic fragments and lithic industry attributable to the Bronze Age. In 1974, during installation of water deposits, a pavement in
opus signinum
was observed, but destroyed by construction work on the site. Subsequent archaeological works in nearby areas, in 1999 and from 2003 to 2005, did not reveal further information relevant to characterize the archaeological site.
Not Visitable


Rural property | Villa / Casal

Archeological interventions

1999; 2003-2005

Suggested reading

Cardoso, G. (1991) - Carta arqueológica do Concelho de Cascais. Cascais: Câmara Municipal de Cascais.

Cardoso, G. (1995) - A villa romana de Freiria (Cascais) e o seu enquadramento rural. Revista de Arqueologia da Assembleia Distrital de Lisboa. Lisboa: Assembleia Distrital de Lisboa. Nº 2, pp.51-62.

Encarnação, J.(2005) - A presença romana em Cascais: um território da Lusitânia ocidental. Lisboa: Museu Nacional de Arqueologia. Cascais: Câmara Municipal de Cascais.

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