3rd century BC - 7th century AD

Roman villa of Miroiços

that may have been part of a Roman
(of which no other areas are known). In this
complex, four compartments were excavated, three of which rectangular. The fourth compartment is an apse, with a
as its annex. The base of a mill press, probably related with farming in the
, was collected on the northeastern slope of the Barril triangulation station.Some 650 feet northeast of the
, on a small terrace halfway up the hill, dominating the surroundings to the south and with visibility to the sea, a small structure from the High Middle Ages was identified, with an irregular rectangular layout and two parallel compartments with a small connection between them.Work in this area revealed a diverse Roman era collection: large quantities of construction material (mostly
and blocks of hewn stone), fragments of
common ware
and light
terra sigillata ceramics
, and also a dark-blue glass bead.
Not Visitable


Baths, Rural property | Villa / Casal

Archeological interventions

1994; 1995; 2000

Suggested reading

Encarnação, J. d' (1968) - Notas sobre alguns vestígios romanos no Concelho de Cascais. Estoril: Junta de Turismo da Costa do Sol.

Cardoso, G. (1991) - Carta arqueológica do Concelho de Cascais. Cascais: Câmara Municipal de Cascais.

Encarnação, J.(2005) - A presença romana em Cascais: um território da Lusitânia ocidental. Lisboa: Museu Nacional de Arqueologia. Cascais: Câmara Municipal de Cascais.

Cardoso, G.; Encarnação, J.(2010) - Roteiros do Património da Cascais: Património Arqueológico. Cascais: Câmara Municipal de Cascais.

Cardoso, G. (2018) - As necrópoles romanas / visigóticas de Miroiço e Alcoitão (Cascais). Conimbriga. Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra. Faculdade de Letras. Instituto de Arqueologia.


Miroiços, Malveira, Cascais

Useful links

Cascais Culture - Archaeological Heritage - https://cultura.cascais.pt/listagens/patrimonio-arqueologico

Identification code​
