1st - 3rd (?) century AD

Funerary epigraphic monuments (Entrecampos)

In 1902 and 1903, near what, at the time, was a General Cattle Market building and where 40 years later was the site of the Lisbon Popular Fair, municipal workers found two gravestones with funerary inscriptions. The news article referring the discovery also mentions the existence of human bones related with the gravestones. Researchers think this
was related with a Roman
that existed nearby and with some coeval road. The epigraphs were deposited in the National Museum of Archaeology.
Not Visitable


Rural property | Villa / Casal, Necropolis

Suggested reading

Campos, M. J. (1904) - Nova Lápide Funerária de Olisipo. O Arqueólogo Português. I Série. 9. Lisboa, pp. 59-60.

Silva, A. V. (1944) - Epigrafia de Olisipo. Lisboa, pp. 75 e 229-231.


Entrecampos / Av. da República / Av. 5 de Outubro / Av. das Forças Armadas / Rua Cordeiro de Sousa, Lisboa

Identification code​
