1st - 4th century AD

Felicitas Iulia Olisipo Theatre

The Roman Theatre of
Felicitas Iulia Olisipo
was an emblematic building, with capacity for 4 thousand spectators, constructed with local resources and raw materials, constituting the highest exponent and mark of Roman power in the urban fabric. In
Felicitas Iulia Olisipo
, this mark was magnificent: those arriving in the city by boat, in the Tagus, could look towards the hill where much later the São Jorge Castle would be built and behold the semicircle of a large theatre. In 1798, the ruins were rediscovered, during the renovation of this urban area, but buried once again. The first archaeological work began in the 1960s, with the identification of several central details: the
, the
, the
imma cavea
, the eastern
. In the 80s and 90s, archaeologists identified one of the
. The museum was inaugurated in 2001, but renovation between 2013 and 2015 allowed the identification of new areas of the theatre, such as the
post scaenium
. The architectural and decorative elements and the archaeological objects analysed at the time helped to confirm the Theatre dates to the principality of Augustus. In addition to the museum exhibit, with objects from the archaeological excavation at the location, an important part of the theatre can also be visited.
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Inscription in the theatre proscaenium

Epigraphed bas-relief from theatre

Honorific monumento to Caius Heius Primus


Theatre, Epigraphs, City | Urbs

Archeological interventions

1964; 1966; 1989; 1990; 2001; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2013; 2014; 2015; 2017

Suggested reading

Fabião, C. (2013) - Escavando entre papéis: sobre a descoberta, primeiros desaterros e destino das ruínas do teatro romano de Lisboa. Vir bonus peritissimus aeque. Estudos de homenagem a Arnaldo do Espírito Santo. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Clássicos. Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa, pp. 389-409.

Fernandes, L. (2013) - Teatro romano de Olisipo: a marca do novo poder romano. Arqueologia em Portugal. 150 anos. Lisboa: Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, pp. 765-773.

Fernandes, L. (2017) - O teatro romano de Felicitas Iulia Olisipo. Um monumento romano e um museu no centro da cidade. Saudades da Rua da Saudade: o teatro romano e sua envolvente nas memórias da cidade. Lisboa: Museu de Lisboa - Teatro Romano, pp. 15-27.

Fernandes, L.; Caessa, A. (2006/2007) - O proscaenium do Teatro romano de Lisboa: aspectos arquitectónicos, escultóricos e epigráficos da renovação decorativa do espaço cénico. Arqueologia e História. Lisboa: Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses. 56/57, pp. 95-113.

Hauschild, T. (1992) - O teatro romano de Lisboa. Lisboa Subterrânea - Catálogo. Lisboa: Electa, pp. 64-66.

Moita, I. (1970) - O teatro romano de Lisboa. Revista Municipal. Lisboa: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa. 124-125, pp. 7-37.


Rua de São Mamede, 3A / Rua da Saudade, 26-16, Lisboa

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